15 Tips To Increase Your Step Count During The Day


You’ve heard that magical count of 10,000 steps per day is the goal, but when many of our daily commutes and workspaces demand that we sit for the majority of the day, that can sometimes feel like a stretch. Add in after-work activities and obligations, and the task of reaching that more steps may sometimes feel impossible.

But fret not, I’ve compiled a few steps to get your step count up. Whether you work in a sedentary environment or simply don’t have the time, here are 15 tips to get more steps in during your average day.

1.park farther away from your office 

For those of us who drive to work, parking on the outskirts of your office's lot or parking garage will force you to take more steps. If you work in an office park with several buildings, you may even be able to park one lot over (if you have permission to do so).

And this tip doesn’t just stop at the office. Park farther while running errands and give yourself enough time to go into the bank, coffee shop or pharmacy instead of using their drive-through. It’s these little decisions that quickly add up.

2. skip the elevator and take the stairs

If you work above the first floor and have healthy joints, consider taking the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. (Bonus tip: if you have to ride an escalator, there's no rule that says you can't walk up it!) 

This movement will give you a burst of cardiovascular exercise that will burn a few additional calories AND strengthen your thighs and glutes. Because who doesn’t want a perky derriere? 😉

3. walk to a coworker's desk instead of emailing them

You’re swamped, it’s a hectic day and you have a quick question. It’s easier and faster to call, email or ping your coworker, I get it! But instead, give yourself a quick break and physically walk over to their desk.

If they work on the other side of your building, even better. If they're not present, that gives you another chance to return to get more steps in later.

Not only does this tip tick off your steps toward your daily count, but it gives your brain a moment to refresh and come back to your work stronger.

4. use a restroom on another floor

Have multiple bathrooms to choose from? Choose the father one. Bonus points if it’s on another floor and you take the stairs to get to it. This simple swap will enable you to squeeze in more steps than you previously have, afford you more time to yourself during the day and give you the chance to see various areas and coworkers you might not normally cross paths with. Consider it a social exercise as much as a physical one. 🙂

5. take a walk during your lunch or coffee break

It’s as simple as it sounds. That said, if the weather isn't nice or you work in an area where walking outside isn't practical or safe, then walk around the office, hallways or up and down a staircase. Keep a pair of sneakers and toiletries at your desk so you can grab them and go when the opportunity arises.

Get bored walking alone? Listen to your favorite podcast or grab a favorite coworker to partake in the fun!

6. walk when taking calls

If you use your cellphone to take work-related calls or have a door you can close, get your steps in by pacing around your office or an empty conference room. Heck, you can even take it outside if weather permits. Make this swap a treat to yourself. 

Day stacked with meetings? If the work allows for it and your co-worker/boss/team is up for it, suggest a walking meeting for your next meeting. Inside or outside, studies suggest that moving around outdoors may boost our mood. It could be a great time to ask for that promotion...

7. walk around while brushing your teeth

Get a jump on your steps in the morning by walking around your house while brushing your teeth. As dentists recommend brushing for at least two minutes per session, walking while doing so will get your blood flowing, your mind moving and your legs taking steady steps towards that 10,000 count goal.

8. walk before or after work

If you're not able to get outside for a midday stroll, try before or after work. After all, it only takes fifteen minutes of walking to reach 2,000 steps. For this walk, I recommend doing so without a phone and other distractions so you have a chance to disconnect, be fully present and achieve a better work-life balance.

9. get your boogie on

Put your favorite tunes on and get moving right in your home. Not only is it cardiovascular activity, but it’s also fun, helps you burn extra calories and can be a great stress reliever!

10. vacuum and tidy up your house

Vacuuming requires you to walk back and forth throughout your home until every inch is spotless. Find me another indoor task that gets you that many steps, I’ll wait. Beyond that, once your floors are in tip-top shape, take on the rest of the space. Tidying up encourages more movement as you move items into their respective places. Plus, who doesn't love to come home to a clean house?

11. work in the yard 

Spruce up your lawn yourself and you're bound to rack up some steps, especially if you mow or rake your outdoor space. In between seasons, get in extra steps by moving things into and out of storage, weeding or watering your indoor foliage.

12. wash your car

Similar to the yard and home tips, washing the car requires you to make many laps around it, rinsing, scrubbing, buffing and shining all parts of it. 

13. walk around your house during commercial breaks

You can get your steps in during your favorite program by walking around your house during commercial breaks. One hour-long show can equate to 11-15 minutes of steps!

14. play with your kids: human or furry 

Whether it’s a simple walk or more choreographed make-believe scene, making time to walk, run, jump and have fun not only helps you get your steps in, but your loved ones as well. And if helping them on their own health journey isn’t the greatest motivator, I don’t know what is.  

15. walk the mall during your next visit

Even if you just need to visit one store, you can get in a great walking workout by doing a few laps around the mall. If it has more than one level, take advantage by walking up the stairs or escalator and doing another lap around the second floor. Go ahead and add extra steps to your shopping list

Bottom line: Get Creative to Boost Your Step Count

And the best part of this list? The opportunities are endless!

Now that you know more creative ways to boost your step count, I bet you'll think up even more new ones. The key is to find ways and excuses to get up and move more throughout the day. Yes, there are real health benefits to do so, but don’t forget to keep it fun! 

Could you use some guidance on your meal plans and physical activity to get more fit and lose weight? Contact me to book a free call. I'll help show you how regular walking can also be a part of your overall well-being regimen.


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